Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Arrival to BRASIL o BRAZIL

Thank God I landed safely, I must admit I was worried about the plane crashing or losing my luggage, just all these little things that American movies have done to my mind. Especially 'Taken' which is a good movie but not so good before you travel.

So... I began my journey to Brasil on Monday June 15, 2009. I traveled from Minnesota to Houston, then from Houston to Sao Paulo, Brasil. That flight was in overnight flight. ( meaning no sleep..lol) But during the flight I met two amazing people. Helena and John. Helena was Brazilian but lived in the states with her husband. We talked about travel and she asked what I was doing in Brasil and then we talked about politics, culture, life, and family. It was such a rich conversation, all around 12 am in the morning. 
Then John began to join our conversation and he asked me did I ever consider working for the state department? I said yes, as I have always had a small dream of becoming a US ambassador or a foreign diplomat or something,  I wasn't really sure. And then he said you would be great for it! Later he explain how his wife was a diplomat and all the things Helena and I had talked about would make me great for the position. After about an hour of conversation about his wife and there life together I sat in my chair with my eyes close thinking about Paulo Coelho and all the books by him I had read. Like The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, in both books the main character meets people for a reason, one must acknowledge that there is some importance in them meeting and take the encounter as a sign of something. From that point on there life is changed. I have been praying a lot about direction with my future and its great to know that prays can be answered. My passion sparked again. I thought I lost it, but its still in me.

Many may wonder why I am in Brasil, again! Well in 2006 I went with a group of students led by the 'Great Mr. Casey' :) and ever since then I have dreamed about coming back.  My heart became detached to this country and  now I just want to learn the language, learn about the people, and most importantly emerge myself in the country. I am forever grateful of my first experience in Brasil and as much as I have gained from visiting, I hope that while living in Salvador de Bahia I can give something back or leave my scent, so to speak, until I come back again!

My freshmen year of college has allowed me to understand that this is the only life given to you so you must make it what you would like it to be. I have spent 19 years of my life being molded by America, being molded by my environment, and my family. Now I am embarking on molding myself with God as my chisel, to make me a better me, a stronger me, and a focus me.

I'm praying that this trip will allow me to returned strengthened, transformed, and determined.



  1. glad to hear your passion has sparked again. proud of you :)

  2. I'm so glad you made it!! i miss you a ton and im really looking forward to reading your blog because you are a phenomenal writer miss thang! love you!

  3. Niece, I am jealous you are there and I am only in Sunny San Diego, oh wait it is kind of like being in Brazil living in San Diego the border is just a hop and a skip away :). Your auntie and I are so proud of you traveling the world and seeing how others live. There are some many young adults who never leave outside the city they live in yet alone outside of the U.S. Keep us posted of your adventures and take photos and post them as well.
